On those rainy days when the kids start to test your patience what can you do to keep them busy? Below are a few activities to try.

First write up a plan of all those activities they can chose from. The list should match not only their mood, but yours too. Use a large sheet of paper and write the list in different colors. As they complete an activity let them put a tick beside it on the plan.

Reading: a tape recording of favorite stories is always handy for the young ones.

Drawing/painting: clouds, umbrellas and rainbows – draw what they see out the window.

Collage: cotton wool for clouds, tinfoil for puddles and search through old magazines for other rainy day pictures to add.

Singing: put on their favorite CD and let them put on a show for you.

Puppet show: using old socks let them make up a story then sit back and enjoy the show. Or perhaps they might use their toys as the actors in the production.

Dress up: keep a suitcase of old clothes, jeweler and makeup. Or let them use their imagination – Batman can be created using a hooded dressing gown, gumboots and a belt with a big buckle.

Cooking: let them help make pike lets or muffins – pike lets are great because the mixture is not too stiff for them to stir, they get to break in the eggs (break into a separate bowl first to ensure you can get any shell out before it is added) and they love watching them bubble. Just be careful of hot surfaces.

Movies: make up movie tickets, close the curtains and make popcorn. Usher them to their sets the put on a favorite video or DVD. Just like at the movies!

Games: hide and seek, eye spy, snakes and ladders, a deck of cards.

Camping: using the dining room chairs, pillows and blankets let them create a tent. A torch, sleeping bags and snacks will turn your living room into a campground.

Play dough: they could make pretend cookies while you prepare dinner for the family.

Doctors: fill up an old handbag with bandages (or make them out of old sheets torn up), hankies, sticky tape, plasters and cotton balls.

Postcards: create cards and letters for friends and family to be posted when the rain stops.

Indoor playground: find a plank about 1.5 meters long and 30cm wide. Sand off the sharp edges and varnish it to protect against splinters. The plank can now become a slide off the sofa, a seesaw or a ramp for a convoy of toy trucks. Use cushions and duvets to provide a soft landing.

Balloons: a couple of balloons and you have hours of fun playing soccer and volleyball.

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