Pre-scholars the WORLD EXPLORER

According to the trip data, currently had the new generation:pre-scholars of the world explorer. Very on a small scale they have gathered the hour flew that was high. The data in England explained 13% of the age child less than one year overseas, and in the age had begun the school, 38% from them had set foot him in the Country's other crack.Along with this was your necessary matters knew for the trip with pre-scholars.

The myth : If still below 3 years, the baby you did not need the passport to carry out the trip overseas. The fact : The Baby just was born then needed the special document to carry out the trip overseas. Each child needed the passport that was supplemented with the photograph for each trip overseas. You could make their passport adhere to your passport, or make their passport separately. The production cost of the passport will separately be far more expensive. When the child's passport you adhered to your passport,his loss was him always must carry out the trip with you. He could not go with the grandparent who will carry him holiday overseas.

The myth: The Child under 3 years might not pay
the flight ticket.
The fct   : Each airline had the different regulation,
but almost not there is one that is free or the baby
or the child batita. For the age child under 2 years,
usually his cost is minimal around 10% of
the pice of the adult's ticket.
But for this price, the child you did not get the seat.
You must indeed him during in the flight or
he could be placed in the basket of the baby
when you were lucky to get the seat in the row
was most front and had basket facilities of the baby.
On the age 2 years, some of the flight gave the price
that was cheaper than the adult's ticket,
the rest applied the price that was the same as
the adult's ticket. Generally in the trip season
(high season) the price of children's ticket was
the ame as the adult's ticket.



Mosquitoes were part of our environment. It seems almost was not possible to have the environment that 100% free from the usurer's insects. So, should not forget to protect your baby from the mosquitoes bite.

Try to get the clean environment, avoided places that could become
the source of the mosquitoes nest. Use the mosquito net
to cover his bed,and don't forget dab lotion anti mosquitoes
that contained the Ethyl Butylacetlaminopropionate formula
were very effective to protect his skin that was soft.


The baby you who still in the stomach also could be experiencing hiccup, although they took a deep breath the liquid ketuban,not breathed in air.

The Safe BED

          • If You used the second-hand bed, checked beforehand did not have the sharp part, and skrup him was not loose.
          • Kept away the bed from the window, table light, the rope gordyn, or other things that possibly were dangerous.
          • Avoid made the mirror, the photograph frame or the shelf that could fall near his bed dependent.
          • Chose the bed that could be matched the height of his mattress. Lowered when the baby has begun to be able to sit.