Sleep expert, Dr Jodi Mindell answers questions about how to get your baby into good sleeping habits.

1. Should you start instilling good sleep habits from day one, or is it okay to let your new baby fall asleep in your arms?

No you don’t have to instill sleep habits from day one, they’re so little! In the first month or two parents just need to do what the baby needs. Rocking them to sleep or holding them all day is fine. At about 6-8 weeks is when you want to start instilling good sleep habits.

2. How do you get babies to sleep more at night and less during the day?

During the day wake baby for feeds, keep them in a bright part of the house, if you have other children don't keep them quiet, let the phone ring, keep your normal noise levels. At night, keep the room dim, lights low, move slowly. For an older baby, for example an eight month old or one year old who naps for a long time during the day, wake him from his nap so he goes back to bed at a reasonable hour at night.

3. Are there some babies who are just born worse sleepers than others?

Absolutely, and we have no idea why. You can do all the wrong things and they'll still fall asleep. Then there are others who are sensitive to changes in their environment. But it's better to introduce your children, from a very young age, to a set bedtime and routine.

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