What can I do if I get sore nipples?

Women often get tender nipples in the first week or so. A small amount of breast milk massaged into your nipples can help them heal. But it’s not normal for nipples to be extremely sore and cracked.

If this happens, get a health professional to observe a whole feed to ensure baby is well positioned and breastfeeding effectively. The most common cause of sore nipples is the baby not latching on properly. A health professional can also rule out other causes, like thrush. In extreme cases it may be necessary to take the baby off the breast while the nipples heal.

Expressing milk will maintain the mother’s supply and ensure the baby can be breast-milk fed. Before ending a feed, put your little finger well into the baby’s mouth to break the suction on your breast, before gently removing the nipple.

What do I do if I get a breast infection?

If part of your breast becomes red, sore, lumpy or hot to touch and you feel like you’re getting the flu, you may have a breast infection. Treat it immediately by feeding your baby on the sore side.

You may also have to express milk to relieve any hardness. You should also rest. If things don’t improve within a few hours (or two to three feeds) see a health professional as you may need antibiotics.

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