How to throw a perfect baby shower

Cups of tea, hand-knitted booties, and definitely ladies only – the baby showers of old were pretty tame affairs and for a while went completely out of fashion. But they seem to be climbing again in popularity. And why not? The birth of a baby is a fantastic thing to celebrate with friends and it’s great for a mum to receive a few little nick-knacks for the nursery.

The right food and drink

Some expectant mums won’t mind sipping grape juice while everyone else has a few wines, others might feel left out. Check with the guest of honor what drinks she’d prefer to have on offer. Make sure any food is safe for pregnant mums – lay off the pate and soft cheeses.

Thoughtful gifts

  • Quite often first-time parents don’t know about all those useful little items that will make their lives easier: muslin wraps; head smugglers for the car seat or buggy; a tri-pillow for feeding or propping up baby when they get a bit older; snuggle rugs for covering baby, your shoulder, the change mat, or the mattress to catch dribbles; papaya cream or bee balm for bottoms; bibs, bibs and more bibs – buy them big.
  • Second, third (or more) time around parents will have a lot of the basics but will probably appreciate a few new and special bits and pieces, especially if they are having a baby of the opposite sex.
  • If you are set on buying gorgeous clothes, buy them a bit bigger as all parents appreciate having some lovely outfits waiting in the drawer in the next size up. Pop in an exchange card as well – it’s amazing how many bright minds think alike when it comes to presents.
  • Make up a mum’s pamper box: bath bombs, hand cream, toenail polish for when she can again reach her toes, a lip gloss, a good magazine.
  • Make the expectant parents a housecleaning and babysitting coupon book. Include vouchers for doing the groceries; making some meals and taking the baby for a long walk so the new mum can have a sleep. Or go in with friends and buy the services of a housecleaner for a month.
  • Older siblings will feel left out with all the attention that’s given to the new baby, so take a little something for them if you can.
  • New parents can never have too many nappies – bigger sizes come in handy if they already have a good supply of newborn ones. And of course joining your friend to the Little Treasures Baby Club is always a fail-safe gift idea. You can join online now - see link below.

Lighten up with a game

  • Ask guests to cut a piece of string to the length they think would fit exactly around the expectant mum’s middle. The closest wins.
  • Play blindfolded “put the nappy on the cardboard baby”.
  • Hold “waters breaking” races holding full water balloons between your knees.

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