Nipple piercing

Q: I am interested to know if nipple piercing affects breastfeeding. I had my nipple pierced 10 months ago and am now pregnant and have no idea if the piercing will interfere with feeding my baby. Also does breast growth during pregnancy require that I invest in a larger bar bell?

A: Lactation consultant Dawn Hunter, Christchurch, replies: I have certainly assisted mothers who have had their nipples pierced. Unfortunately there is no one answer to all since it depends on each woman’s individual nipple/piercing. But generally there is little problem with breastfeeding. Some mothers may leak from the pierced "holes"- but some don't! Occasionally a duct has been pierced and actually becomes blocked with scar tissue therefore an area of engorgement in the early days is apparent - but this subsides and breastfeeding continues without a problem. Breast changes during pregnancy should not mean an increased sized barbell would be necessary at all - but of course the jeweler is required to be removed before breastfeeding!

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