Here are some other ideas to help the process: - Make it enjoyable. Show your child how he will use the toilet by using one of his favorite toys. You could also make a star chart and take photos or draw a picture of each toileting step and tick off or stamp completed steps. Your child could be rewarded for success with an activity such as an extra story or a special phone call to Nana.
- Provide a diet that helps your child’s bodily functions. Make sure he has lots of fluids (water or milk), adequate fruit and vegetables.
- Be aware of the signs that indicate your child may need to go to the toilet. Ask him if he needs to go and follow through the routine that you have established. Also ask your child if he would like to use the toilet immediately after waking, after meals and before going out.
- Nothing succeeds like praise. Give it abundantly – show your pleasure. Sometimes this can be just for ‘sitting’ on the toilet but not achieving anything.
- Encourage your child to sit on the potty/toilet seat for a couple of minutes (it may take a little time and encouragement to work up to about three to five minutes).
- Always remember that accidents will happen – keep your cool if you can! Make sure your child can get to the toilet easily, and that you don’t become so busy that you forget to ask him if he wants to go.
Accidents can still be quite frequent when your child is potty trained. Some children who are happy to use the potty for weeps become quite hung up about doing a poor in the potty. This is quite common, so try not to stress about it as too much pressure can be counterproductive. |
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